Generate 32 Byte Key Online

In the previous post I gave you an overview of public-key cryptography and its relation with the blockchain. You’re about to familiarize with real crypto functions to generate Bitcoin keypairs.

Dec 31, 2014  I was looking for some simple examples of using AES symmetric encryption to encrypt and decrypt data in C#. Though there are some very helpful resources out there, what I needed were basic routines that: - Take clear text and key as byte arrays and return encrypted text as a byte array. Ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 1024 -C 'DSA 1024 bit Keys' Generate an ECDSA SSH keypair with a 521 bit private key. Ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 -C 'ECDSA 521 bit Keys' Generate an ed25519 SSH keypair- this is a new algorithm added in OpenSSH. /the-crew-key-generator-free-download.html. Ssh-keygen -t ed25519 Extracting the public key from an RSA keypair.

In the hope of making the topic as clear as possible, the article might seem a little verbose. By the way, your patience will be rewarded as the course will be downhill from here.

  1. This online SHA-2 hash code generator tool will generate SHA-2 (SHA-256, SHA-512, SHA-384) hash codes for any given string. Also get the source code for SHA-2 hash code generator.
  2. Useful, free online tool that generates random bytes. No ads, nonsense or garbage, just a random byte generator. Press button, get result.

An overview of Bitcoin keys

Some facts about Bitcoin EC cryptography:

  • Private keys are 32 bytes long.
  • Public keys are 64 bytes (uncompressed form) or 32 bytes (compressed form) long plus a 1-byte prefix.
  • The elliptic curve C is the secp256k1 curve.
  • EC crypto is based on modular arithmetic.

In this overwhelming context, our only input is the private key. The public key is uniquely derived from the private key, be it uncompressed or compressed. First, we’ll use OpenSSL to generate a sample keypair from the command line. Next, we’ll do the same via C code.

TO MAC USERS: I strongly encourage you to test this code on a homebrew release of OpenSSL. OS X 10.10 ships with the long gone 0.9.8 version and some commands may not work as expected!

For your information, Bitcoin Core developers are slowly moving away from OpenSSL towards their own implementation of secp256k1 crypto.

Private key

A private key is a 32-byte number chosen at random, and you know that 32 bytes make for a very big number, as big as . Such a number is therefore ridiculously hard to guess, assuming it’s generated with a very high degree of randomness.

Getting a new, random key is straightforward:

The output file ec-priv.pem includes the curve name (secp256k1) and the private key, both encoded base64 with other additional stuff. The file can be quickly decoded to text so that you can see the raw hexes:

Here’s what my keypair looks like (your output will differ):

where the private key is better displayed as:

The key reflects our identity, so we want to keep it secret and safe. I mean, had this not been a sample private key, I wouldn’t share it with anybody. We’ll sign our messages with it so that the world can trust we actually wrote them. If someone steals our private key, he’ll be able to fake our identity. In Bitcoin, he’ll be able to take our money. Watch out!

Public key

By default, a public key is made of two 32-byte numbers, the so-called uncompressed form. The numbers represent the coordinates of a point on the secp256k1 elliptic curve, which has the following formula:

The point location is determined by the private key, while it’s unfeasible to infer the private key from the point coordinates. After all, this is what makes EC cryptography secure. Due to its dependent nature, can be implied from and the curve formula. In fact, the compressed form saves space by omitting the value.

From the private key, it’s possible to take out the public part and store it to an external file I called ec-pub.pem:

If we now decode the public key:

the text description will obviously not include the private key:

A more readable version:

The uncompressed conversion form takes 65 bytes:

Generate 32 Byte Key Online Test

  • The constant 04 prefix.
  • The 32-byte coordinate.
  • The 32-byte coordinate.

It’s easy to convert an uncompressed public key to the compressed form, we just omit the and change the prefix according to its value. The first byte becomes 02 for even values of and 03 for odd values. My ends with 8c, so the new prefix is 02:

The same is accomplished with:

that yields:

In conclusion, the compressed conversion form takes 33 bytes:

  • The constant 02 or 03 prefix.
  • The 32-byte coordinate.

Generating a keypair from code

The keypair generation task is cumbersome, yet not difficult with the aid of the OpenSSL library. I wrote a helper function in ec.h declared as follows:

Let’s analyze part of its code together. Several OpenSSL data structures are involved:

Generate 32 Byte Key Online
  • EC_KEY

The first two structs belong to the arbitrary-precision arithmetic area of OpenSSL, because we need to deal with very big numbers. All the other types relate to EC crypto. EC_KEY can be a full keypair (private + public) or just a public key, whereas EC_GROUP and EC_POINT help us calculate the public key from a private key.

Most importantly, we create an EC_KEY structure to hold the keypair:

Loading the private key is easy, but requires an intermediate step. Before feeding the input priv_bytes to the keypair, we need to translate it to a BIGNUM, here named priv:

For complex big numbers operations, OpenSSL needs a context, that’s why a BN_CTX is also created. The public key derivation needs a deeper understanding of EC math, which is not the aim of this series. Basically, we locate a fixed point on the curve (the generator, group in the code) and multiply it by the scalar private key , a virtually irreversible operation in modular arithmetic. The resulting is a second point, the public key pub. Eventually, the public key is loaded into the keypair:

WARNING: the code is simplified and doesn’t check for library errors.


It’s finally time to test our keypair in ex-ec-keypair.c. We expect the code to output the same results we got from openssl on the command line, given that priv_bytes holds our sample private key:

The test proceeds this way:

  1. Initializes an EC_KEY keypair with priv_bytes.
  2. Puts the private key back into priv through a BIGNUM.
  3. Puts the derived public key into pub in all conversion forms.

The third step is the most complicated. The conversion form is set first, which in turn affects the length of the public key (33 or 65). The actual length is obtained with a NULL-argument call to i2o_ECPublicKey, so that pub is allocated enough bytes to hold the output. i2o_ECPublicKey finally converts the public key from the internal representation to octects, hence the i2o prefix (octet = byte). The encoded bytes are written to pub through pub_copy.

Try running the program and compare it with the output of the openssl command line tool.

Get the code!

Full source on GitHub.

Next block in chain?

Generate 32 Byte Key Online Registration

You learned how to generate a new EC keypair. With some custom code, you also learned how to create a keypair from raw bytes.

Generate 32 Byte Key Online Banking

In the next article you’ll use EC keypairs to produce and verify digital signatures. Please share this post if you enjoyed it and use the form below for questions and comments!